Wednesday 14 November 2012

you reap what you sow

I just got off the phone with the ever so inspirational Kathy vanGogh, and I tell ya, she should be a motivational speaker. Some people just naturally can light a fire within others...theres a doors song somewhere in there.

The context of our conversation really blew me away! The Cameo Boutique has now been named the official Vancouver Island Distributor for !!

We have been working hard to make vanGogh a household name here on the island, and apparently it hasnt gone unnoticed. We are so excited to begin the process of setting up other retailers, and helping them achieve their dreams just as Kathy has helped us.

I must give thanks to one other person, my amazing aunty who backed me in this adventure. And I say adventure (not venture) because that is really what life should be:)


  1. Congrats! You deserve it! I feel the same way about Kathy, if I go a few days without speaking to her my sails lose a little of their wind.



  2. may there be a wind in your sail, wine in your glass, and a song in your heart:)
