Tuesday 4 September 2012

Buy a ticket

Today has been another pendulum swing of emotions. Heart bursting elation, and terror. You know, the kind that hits you in the stomach and makes you sick. I have heard how tough it is and scary to open your own business, and have successfully managed to talk myself through it daily.

The optimism is winning for this hour.

great idea~ check.
great partnership~ check.
supportive husband~ check.
amazing location~ check.

money...err?? well there is never enough right?

I have had the dream of owning my own unique business for years, and it really feels like all the components are starting to fall into place. Things started to evolve naturally, and I dont want to look back at missed opportunities all my life.

Quite some time ago I watched the movie " eat pray love". I am a sucker for Javier Bardems odd combination of brut and hot. Couple that with the accent, well.....Im hooked.

As memorable as Javier was in that role what I really remember is that scene of the man praying in the church, asking God to grant him a lottery win.

The reply was buy a ticket.

You can take a look at our new business venture here

Saturday 1 September 2012

laws of attraction

I have been told, more than one time, that what you put out into the world is what comes back to you. This theory is based on the laws of attraction, and I have to tell you, Im a believer.

This past two weeks has been a flurry of activity, I guess I may as well put it out there that I have been steadily working for months towards owning my own Boutique. A place to sell my creations, the products to refurbish renew and refresh, and a place for local DIY artisans to do the same.

It called Cameo Boutique. DIY & Studio Supply. Things are really cooking as far as progress goes...but back to the laws of attraction.

Yesterday my partner Krysta & I went on our first buying trip, we cruised the island from Mill Bay to Ladysmith in search of diamonds in the rough. I certainly was happy with my finds, two really cool benches, a chair and a side table. The hunt is part of the fun for me, I am and always have been a "rummager".

Remember that china cabinet I blogged a while back? Well I sold it, and its proud new owners sent a truck for it yesterday...and boy oh boy did they have a suprise for me!

There I was sanding away at my little project chair (will add photos soon) when this flat deck truck shows up at my house loaded to the hilt with FURNITURE!! Two handsome men hop out, inform me they are here for the cabinet, and would I like all the furniture on the truck?? UHM HECK YEAH! without delay they unloaded 8 gorgeous vintage chairs, and the most exquisite barn door Ive ever seen

Freebies are the most elating thing in the world for me, the only thing better than finding a great project, is having them dropped off for free in your driveway!