Tuesday 21 August 2012

leather and lace??

There has been this little wooden desk sitting in the corner of my shop for far too long. This has been one of the rare times when my first instict was NOT to paint it. I just couldnt decide what to do with it...it had such a nice warm hue.

So there I am browsing graphics from my 'main squeeze' the graphics fairy and I stumble upon some inspiration. (you can check her page out here)  http://graphicsfairy.blogspot.ca/p/search.html she shares all of this amazing stuff for free!

I always find if I feel stuck, simply looking at creative, beautiful stuff starts my mind aflow. This piece is a departure from my regular look. But who wants to be regular anyway?

I started out by painting myself a little frame on the top of the desk. I free handed it for a more authentic look. Yes I had a moment of terror when this stage was complete, the "what have I done's" grabbed me good. Usually I solve this problem with a glass of wine, I find confidence returns when the glass is empty.

The next step was to put on the inspiration graphic. This is not as hard as you think, and makes personalizing something possible for the average D.I.Y'er. Simply print the graphic you want (reversed if needed) on a laserjet printer. Cut it out as carefully as possible, trying not to leave much blank paper behind. Apply your self levelling gel medium with a brush to the graphic side of the paper. Use moderation, more isnt always best in this case. Too little isnt so good either.
Lay the image face down on the project, smoothing out any bubbles and wiping up any gel medium that has seeped out with a clean rag.

This gel medium needs to sit UNTOUCHED for like 10 hours. Do not skimp on time folks. During the setting period I used a small angle brush to complete the frame. I also painted the inside of the drawers and the pulls black.

My favourite part of graphic application is the reveal. It is like unwrapping a present on christmas morning. Grab yourself a fairly damp clean rag and begin to rub. Essentially you are removing the pulp from the ink. The pulp goes, the ink stays. This can take some time.

I loved this particular image so much, it is a locked book, covered in thorns and chains...it must hold someone's dearest secrets. To protect the image clear coat it. Its not going to rub off but for durability its best to protect it.

For now im adding the snap I took in my shop. Look for this desk again soon, only taken by someone with photographic talent;)

I simply love the leather and lace esthetic of this desk.
You can see this, and other fine furnishings at my new shop!
 Cameo Boutique
DIY &Studio Supply
located at Whippletree Junction
check out the facebook page here;

Monday 20 August 2012


i have been overwhelmed by a desire to "do something" for several months. the feeling didnt sneak up on me, it has been brewing for quite some time. long ago, before marriage and children, i used to be rather creative, i would take somebody's old junk and turn it into something unique.

my past talents converged with this "feeling" when i stumbled upon an old, broken vanity at our local auction. it was kinda heaped up in the corner in a couple pieces. there was a whisper in my ear, i recognized the voice from long ago. it was my creativity.

now i know oprah is always taking about listening to your inner voice....but honestly i hadnt heard mine in so long it took me by suprise. these days the only voices i hear are my kids or husbands. or my mother (thats another blog:) the sound of that voice was like nectar to my ears.

last week that voice told be to buy this old DARK reproduction china cabinet and spruce it up. and though i wish i had a before shot to share, really the only thing that matters is that it looks amazing now. here is how it turned out.

Friday 17 August 2012

well finally an outlet for all these...IDEAS!

hmm, where to start??  its a good question, really, since i think we are all writers somewhere inside our head waiting to pop out. write what you know, write what you feel, write about the happiest moment you've ever felt, write down that rant you wanted to give your boss when he told you you were being "downsized" while expecting your second child....whatever the cause or inspiration..write it down. its theraputic.

im a mother who feels on the verge. the verge of a meltdown, greatness, it changes so fast. life is so chalk full of highs and lows, so we live in each moment, whether we know it or not.

in this moment, my children are tucked in on the trampoline (as it turns out the best sleep ever) and i am hiding out in my shop in the dark, writing to an audience i dont know. it feels good.

i feel good. and for tonight, that is enough. tomorrow, i may do great things. i am after all on the verge.